Choosing my word of the year for 2024 - Connect

Becky Woolley


For the last few years, like many others, I have really enjoyed deciding on a word for the year instead of writing New Year resolutions. It is a much more enjoyable way to try and decide on what I'd like to aim for in the year and then to link the year together with my chosen word.

So for 2023 my word of the year was Embrace and this year I've chosen Connect to be my 2024 word.

So this means:

  • Connection with friends and family.

  • Connecting back to what I'd like Daffodowndilly to be, deciding on what I would like to keep from the last few years and what I would like to change.

  • Connecting different facets of the business together so they work harmoniously together.

  • Connecting to the lovely people I've met through Daffodowndilly.


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