Daffodowndilly's posts for A Month in Flowers - March 2023

Becky Woolley

This lovely Spring Instagram challenge was created by Lindsay from @black_and_tortie  and is running throughout March with each 3 days being allocated a different flower.

The aim of the challenge is to create or photograph something every day that relates to that day's flower.

 As with my March Meet the Maker posts, I didn't want the posts I create for this challenge to just be transient or not accessible by non-Instagram users so I'm going to be posting them on here as and when I create them as well as on Instagram.

If you do use Instagram then you can follow along with the challenge and see all the creations and photographs by following the hashtag #amonthinflowers.




1st - 3rd March - Daffodil (St David's Day)

Happy 1st day of meteorological Spring and St David's Day! It is also the start of the lovely #amonthinflowers challenge by @black_and_tortie with today's prompt - Daffodils being very appropriate.

So here's a bunch of little daffodils in a vase, swipe to see 2 other background colours because I couldn't decide which worked best - which is your favourite?



4th - 6th March - Snowdrops 
Snowdrops for the next #amonthinflowers prompt.

The snowdrops have been so beautiful this year and have really seemed to carpet the woodlands around us.
7th - 9th March - Crocus
Crocus in the snow for #amonthinflowers ❄🌼
10th - 13th March - Primroses
Primroses for #amonthinflowers .

Again I've put two slightly different background colours, which do you prefer?


13th - 15th March - Something Strange
Something unusual for #amonthinflowers. This is actually a tree peony leaf unfurling but they always look so weird and alien to me.
16th - 18th March - Hyacinth
Hyacinths for #amonthinflowers ♥️
19th - 21st March - Viola
Some violas for the next #amonthinflowers prompt.

22nd to 24th March - Indoors
A collection of some of my favourite indoor plants for the next #amonthinflowers prompt of indoors.
  25th to 27th March - Narcissus
A vase of sweet smelling narcissi for the next #amonthinflowers prompt of narcissus.
28th to 30th March - Shrubs and Trees
Some of the beautiful blossom in Shrewsbury at the moment for the next #amonthinflowers prompt of 'shrubs and trees'. 
31st March - Your Month in Flowers 
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