A Month in Flowers Instagram Challenge - Daffodowndilly Posts
Becky WoolleyShare
This lovely Spring Instagram challenge was created by Lindsay from @black_and_tortie and runs in April each year with each day being allocated a different flower.
The aim of the challenge is to create or photograph something every day that relates to that day's flower. I won't manage to create something for every prompt but I'm looking forward to joining in when I can.
As with my March Meet the Maker posts, I didn't want the posts I create for this challenge to just be transient or not accessible by non Instagram users so I'm going to be posting them on here as and when I create them as well as on Instagram.
If you do use Instagram then you can follow along with the challenge and see all the creations and photographs by following the hashtag #amonthinflowers.
The April 2022's flower list for #amonthinflowers by @black_and_tortie
Day 2 - Hellebore
Happy Saturday 💛 , I'm joining in with #amonthinflowers with today's prompt of Hellebore. I love their freckles and also that they are such early bloomers, bringing their loveliness to what is otherwise a pretty flower-less time of the year.
I couldn't decide on the background colour so I've included 3 versions.
Which background colour is your favourite?
Day 3 - Sunflowers for Ukraine
Happy Sunday 💛 Day 3 of #amonthinflowers by @black_and_tortie is Sunflowers for Ukraine.
A reminder that this design is available as a free downloadable phone wallpaper on my website.
If you do download the wallpaper then it would be wonderful (if you are able) to make a little donation to either the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal or to the combined DEC appeal. Every little amount helps!

Day 4 - Primula
Day 4 of #amonthinflowers - Primula. So I've drawn some Cowslips (Primula veris) and Primula 'Gold Lace' as they are two of my favourites.
Day 5 - Magnolia
Day 5 of #amonthinflowers is Magnolia. There are a few of these beautiful trees in the gardens around us and they are looking spectacular at the moment.
Day 6 - Camellia
A late entry for today's #amonthinflowers - Camellia.
Day 7 - Anemone
Today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers is Anemone so here is a posy of Poppy Anemones. I used to work on a Friday market stall for a little while and one of the highlights was being next to a brilliant flower stall, so whenever these came into season it was always a joy to bring a bunch home with me.
Day 8 - Fritillaries
Today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers is Fritillaria so here are some Snakeshead Fritillaries.
We’re lucky enough to have a patch of them growing in the garden and I love how the flowers dance in the wind.
Day 10 - Something growing where it shouldn’t
A late post for today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers is “something growing where it shouldn’t”.
I think it looks lovely seeing plants growing between the cracks in pavements or between bricks in a wall. However I can never understand how they manage to thrive while dealing with stamping feet, weedkiller and limited nutrients.
Day 11 - Hyacinth
A vase of hyacinths for today’s #amonthinflowers prompt. Just the act of drawing these evoked that gorgeous hyacinth scent in my mind.
Day 12 - Violas
A pot of violas for today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers. I love these little plants with their tiny faces and bright colours.
Day 13 - Ranunculus
Today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers is ranunculus so I’ve gone with a vase filled with coral, pink and yellow ranunculus blooms.
Day 14 - Something that reminds you of someone special
Today's prompt for #amonthinflowers is "a flower that reminds you of someone special".
Although I never met my Mum's parents and my grandparents on my Dad's side died when I was young, I know they had a deep love for nature, flowers and gardening because stories about them live on through my parents.
My Mum and Dad also share this deep love for nature, plants and flowers so this design is for both them and my grandparents with lots of oxe-eye daisies, rudbeckias and lavender.
Day 15 - Periwinkle
Today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers is Periwinkle, it is also the Pantone colour of the year for 2022.
Day 16 - Climbers
Today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers is Climbers so here is a Clematis armandii.
Day 17 - Tulips
Tulips for today’s #amonthinflowers prompt.
Day 18 - Wildflowers
Some forget-me-nots for today’s prompt for #amonthinflowers - Wildflowers. I love forget-me-nots, their colour, their little faces and how tiny they are.
Day 19 - Flowering Indoors
A selection of some of my favourite houseplants for today’s prompt for #amonthin flowers - flowering indoors.
Day 20 - Daisy
Daisy Chain writing paper for Day 20’s #amonthinflowers prompt - Daisy.
I absolutely love daisies and can’t understand why they are considered weeds as they are so pretty and cheerful.
Day 21 - Herbs
Camomile for today’s #amonthinflowers prompt of herbs.
I loved the smell of a camomile lawn when we came across one and obviously the flowers are lovely too.
Do you like camomile tea?
Day 22 - Forget-me-nots
It's forget-me-not day for #amonthinflowers , so here is a little flurry of them from the garden this morning.
Day 23 - Blossom Watch
Blossom for blossom watch day at #amonthinflowers , happy St George's Day too ♥️.
There is also a wonderful market taking place on @tresstle_ today to raise money for charities helping in Ukraine. There are lots of amazing businesses taking part and you can access the market by visiting the links in @tresstle_ 's bio or through the makers taking part.
Day 24 - Plants and their Pollinators
A bumblebee loving some tiny rosemary flowers for today's #amonthinflowers prompt of 'flowers and their insect friends'.
It has also got a lovely Sunday relaxing vibe so enjoy the few seconds of calm!
Day 25 - Bluebells
Bluebells and butterflies for today's #amonthinflowers prompt - bluebells
Are the bluebells up where you are?
Day 26 - Aquilegia
Our aquilegia plants haven't flowered yet so here is a photo from last year for today's prompt for #amonthinflowers .
I never knew they were nicknamed Granny's bonnet but you can really see why with the flower shapes!

Day 27 - Wallflower

Day 28 - Freesia

Day 29 - Something you would have put on the list but isn’t on it!

Day 30 - Your #amonthinflowers